Find peace of mind with management liability coverage from a company that’s rated “A+” (Superior) by AM Best. Take a look at some recent claim examples. Remember, every claim is different and coverage may vary.
D&O Coverage: Claims Scenarios
A former Executive Director filed a complaint against the company for alleged whistleblower violations and wrongful termination. The claimant maintained she was terminated after reporting alleged misuse of the organization’s funds. The matter settled for $100,000 at early mediation, with an additional $18,800 incurred in defense costs.A company’s investor sued the company and one of its officers alleging the officer breached his fiduciary duty to the company by hiring personal connections as third-party vendors for the company in furtherance of his personal interests and to the detriment of the interests of the company. The claimant is seeking $2 million in damages, and defense costs incurred to date are approaching $200,000.