Professional Services Insurance

Your leaders juggle enormous and varied responsibilities each day. With industry-leading expertise and quality management liability products, our experienced team works to deliver effective solutions for risks that could leave your organization and its board members and officers exposed.

What should your company consider when choosing professional services insurance protection?

When litigation puts your company in the headlines, it’s a painful way to realize your insurance carrier has less than stellar service. Great American’s strength of specialization gives us the rare ability to see risks, write coverage and handle claims in a way that gives you peace of mind.
  1. Claims against companies and their directors and officers are becoming increasingly common. Director’s and Officer’s (D&O) liability insurance can help protect your leadership team from claims made by shareholders, competitors, customers, suppliers, creditors or government entities.

  2. Whether you’re buying or selling a business, our mergers and acquisitions (M&A) liability insurance can help mitigate risk and facilitate the closing of a deal.

  3. Even if you’re an expert in your business, mistakes happen. Our professional liability insurance can help offer protection from claims alleging an act, error or omission by your business, your staff or contractors working on your behalf.

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