Manufacturing Insurance

You don’t want to waste time off the clock wondering whether your business is covered. With a broad range of coverages to protect many facets of the manufacturing process, a Great American policy can help your production line keep running.

What should your manufacturing company consider when choosing manufacturing insurance protection?

Whether you’re looking for protection against environmental concerns, product recalls or the daily risks your employees face, we offer many specialized manufacturing insurance solutions.
  1. Nearly every manufacturer has something in their processes or on their premises that could potentially cause bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage. Our products pollution liability policy, premises liability coverage and more can help protect your business from exposures.

  2. Product recalls can be time consuming, costly and damaging to your business. Primary and Follow Form Excess product recall coverage can help protect your business from financial loss.

  3. If an employee is hurt in an accident, it can lead to costly setbacks or even a lawsuit. Our workers' compensation insurance can help cover medical bills and other related expenses when an employee is injured on the job. 

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