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Protect Your Property With Spare Sprinkler Heads

pendant-type fire sprinkler head installed on a white ceiling. The sprinkler head has a red liquid-filled glass bulb and chrome deflector plate, indicating it’s a temperature-sensitive automatic fire suppression device

This article summarizes the requirements of the NFPA 13 related to sprinkler head inventory and provides guidance on the sprinkler head color coding system.

NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, published by the National Fire Protection Association, requires that facilities maintain an inventory of spare sprinkler heads of like kind and type representative of the heads installed. This article summarizes the requirements of the NFPA 13 related to sprinkler head inventory and provides guidance on the sprinkler head color coding system.

Inventory Requirements

Section 16.2.7 of NFPA 13 (2019 Edition) requires that facilities maintain a stock of spare sprinkler heads along with the appropriate sprinkler head wrenches. At least six spare sprinkler heads of each type and temperature rating should be available. Additional sprinkler heads are required when the total number of sprinkler heads on site exceeds 300. For 300 to 1000 sprinkler heads, a minimum of 12 spare heads should be provided. Where more than 1000 sprinkler heads are present, a minimum of 24 spare heads should be provided.


Where dry type sprinklers of different lengths are installed, NFPA 13 (2019 Edition), subsection allows that a stock of spare sprinklers is not required if means to return the system to service are provided.

Sprinkler Head Storage

Spare sprinkler heads should be kept in a cabinet located where the temperature to which they are subjected will at no time exceed the maximum ceiling temperatures specified in Table for each of the sprinklers within the cabinet.

Sprinkler Head Color Coding

Sprinkler heads, other than ornamental or plated heads, should be color coded, as outlined in NFPA 13 (2019 Edition), Table The color identification may appear on their frame arms, deflector, coating material or liquid bulb color. A dot on the top of the deflector, the color of the coating material or colored frame arms shall be permitted only on corrosion-resistant sprinklers.

sprinkler system tables