Help Protect Your Organization With Clear Pool Signage

Lifebuoy floating on water

Organizations should have signage that is clear to read and conveys potential risks to swimmers. Hot tubs, pools and other swimming areas all contain different risks associated with them and therefore require different signage.

Pool Safety Signs

Signage for swimming pools should convey to the swimmers whether lifeguards are on-site. This should include the hours that lifeguards are on-site. If lifeguards are not on-site, swimmers should be made aware before using the pool. Other signage to consider includes:

  • If showers are available, swimmers should be directed to showers before using the pool.
  • Pets and glass containers should also be prohibited from the pool due to the inherent risk of cuts from glass and pets contaminating pools.
  • Children shouldn’t be permitted to swim without adult supervision under any circumstances.
  • It’s good practice to list on signs where emergency phones can be found if on-premises. Dialing instructions should be listed on the phone itself or a placard near the phone that can be easily read.

Signage for Spas and Hot Tubs

Spas and hot tubs should be given a higher level of scrutiny due to the heat risks involved with their use. Organizations should prohibit the use of oils, body lotion and other minerals in this water. The pool signage should list the risks and rules associated with its use, including but not limited to the following:

  • Pregnant women, elderly persons and persons suffering from heart disease, diabetes or high or low blood pressure should not enter the spa/hot tub without prior medical consultation and permission from their doctor.
  • Don’t use the spa/hot tub while under the influence of alcohol, tranquilizers or other drugs that cause drowsiness or that raise or lower blood pressure.
  • Don’t use alone.
  • Unsupervised use by children is prohibited.
  • Observe reasonable time limits (10-15 minutes), then leave the water and cool down before returning for another brief stay.
  • Long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.
  • Utilize a “CAUTION” Sign.

Pool Safety Signage Requirements - State and Local Regulations, Plus COVID-19 Concerns

Due to COVID-19, many local and state governments have created guidelines to combat the spread of the virus within pool areas. Because of the nature of pools, the transmission of the virus can be increased in many high-touch areas, including chairs and handrails. When finalizing pool signage be sure to consult with state and local governments for current information.

Many governments require specific phrases, lettering sizes and fonts along with posting requirements in the pool area. Requirements for pool signage differ between states.

Water Safety

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