Fixed Ladder Construction Safety [Checklist]

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) defines fixed ladders as ladders that are permanently attached to a structure, building, or equipment. These include individual-rung ladders, but not ship stairs, step bolts, or manhole steps.
Fixed ladders on construction sites are often designed at designated floor transition points around the jobsite. The ladders can be permanent; however, they are usually removed once work is completed. Fixed ladders are typically made of wood or metal.
The advantages of using a fixed ladder can be, but are not limited to:
- Generally safer, as fixed ladders cannot shift around during use like portable ladders can.
- Fixed ladders typically are of sturdier construction than portable ladders, therefore they can support increased weight.
- Fixed ladders typically are less susceptible to damage when compared to potable ladders.
Although fixed ladders are a safer alternative to portable ladders, there are considerations that should be made both before and during their use. Follow this guidance to help ensure safer use of fixed ladders on your construction site.
Download ChecklistAccess OSHA 1926.1053 - Ladders for additional safety guidance on use of fixed and portable ladders.