We stand ready to help those affected by the wildfires in the Greater Los Angeles area
Our thoughts are with you. If you need assistance with a claim, please contact your agent or one of our claims professionals.
Creativity. Your organization depends on it. You need to protect that creativity, along with every other aspect of your operation. This includes your employees and performers, your property and the students you may educate.
Our Arts & Cultural program offers specific coverages to organizations such as museums, theaters, dance studios and art galleries, which are focused on the creative and cultural aspects that enrich our lives and lift our spirits.
Auto coverage
A theater company’s employee rented a vehicle to transport theater equipment. While on the trip, the driver was involved in an accident. The resulting loss included both vehicle damage and liability after determining the driver was at fault. Proactively, the theater company’s agent had added Hired Auto Physical Damage and Employee-Hired Auto to protect against these types of exposures, which are unique to a theater.
Inland Marine coverage
During an off-premises exhibit, a museum employee locked several valuable relics in a truck overnight. When the employee returned, the relics were missing. After authorities determined the items were stolen, the museum felt some comfort knowing that its valuables were properly appraised and added as a special floater to its policy.
Property coverage
One morning, the manager of a historic preservation organization came in early, only to find the front sign had been vandalized. Quickly, she checked her Great American policy because she remembered it’s unique Signature Property Broadening Endorsement provided up to $50,000 for signs.
Great American Specialty Human Services understands the risks you face and we offer the coverages for arts and cultural groups to enable them to achieve their mission through our specialized program.
When you purchase insurance, you want to make sure that you are protecting a wide range of exposures. Our extensive coverage will help protect you.