We stand ready to help those affected by the wildfires in the Greater Los Angeles area
Our thoughts are with you. If you need assistance with a claim, please contact your agent or one of our claims professionals.
Your focus on training, rescuing and caring for animals is at the heart of your mission. You need to protect that mission, along with every other aspect of your operation, which may include your adopters, members, employees, volunteers or property.
Our coverages for zoos and other nonprofit animal organizations provide specific coverages to protect your unique exposures.
Auto coverage
A zoo employee was transporting one of its smaller animals to an offsite event in the organization’s owned vehicle. The driver swerved and hit a guardrail after failing to recognize slowing traffic. The vehicle was disabled and towed away. The zoo was glad to count on Great American’s Signature Auto Broadening Endorsement, which provided up to $200 for the towing expenses that the zoo incurred that day.
Outstanding coverage for animal organizations, including:
Our products and underwriting services are designed to meet the specific needs of animal sanctuaries and organizations. We also offer a variety of safety and loss prevention services, and a dedicated claims staff that focuses solely on claims for human and social service organizations.
When you purchase insurance, you want to make sure that you are protecting a wide range of exposures. Our extensive coverage will help protect you.