We stand ready to help those affected by the wildfires in the Greater Los Angeles area
Our thoughts are with you. If you need assistance with a claim, please contact your agent or one of our claims professionals.
Great American offers a wide array of Accident & Health Insurance coverages through our digital-focused pomi brand. The coverage provides comprehensive solutions for losses that may result from an accident.
A camper made her way to the canoe on the riverbank. Suddenly, she slipped and fell on the mud, hitting her head on the side of the canoe. The injury required a visit to the emergency room resulting in stitches. The organization was glad it had purchased an Accident & Health policy to accompany its Great American General Liability policy. The accident policy made payment for the camper’s medical bills, and did not affect the limits of the organization’s General Liability policy.
For more information, visit www.getpomi.com