FCIA's "Pay-As-You-Go" Credit Insurance Policy offers comprehensive non-payment coverage on international and/or domestic sales. All buyer limit underwriting and in-house collection efforts are provided at no additional charge. FCIA's "Pay-As-You-Go" Credit Insurance Policy protects your company's cash flow with an easy monthly payment plan based on the value of the shipments made. First loss deductible applies to each 12-month policy period.

  • Low Advance Premium with Monthly Premium Payments
  • Up to 95% Coverage
  • No Caps on Losses Under the DCL
  • 90 Days Waiting Period for Filing Claims
  • Portfolio Coverage with DCL Option
  • 12 or 24 Month Policy Term

Spread of Risk

FCIA’s Multibuyer Pay-As-You-Go Policy insures an agreed-upon spread of your international and / or domestic sales of goods or services made on credit terms. Eligible countries are endorsed to the policy. Eligible credit terms can be up to 180 days. Slightly longer credit terms are available for capital equipment.

Eligible Goods and Services

All goods and services are eligible including any that are partially or entirely produced abroad. Shipments may originate from the US or another country. This also includes insuring receivables arising from sales manufactured or invoiced by foreign subsidiaries.

For more details please click on the Pay-As-You-Go Multibuyer Credit Insurance Policy brochure.

Case Study:

ABC agricultural products company has seen their export sales beginning to contract due to competition offering extended repayment terms.



  • Management is uncomfortable with extending longer terms.
  • Salesforce would like to enter new markets and sell to new customers, but Management is concerned about the new risk profile.
  • A Pay-As-You-Go Trade Credit Insurance Policy is implemented. Due to the coverage provided, management agrees to extend the repayment terms to existing customer and agrees to enter new markets.
  • The cost of the policy is paid for by increase in sales.